Journey to the World
of Robotics

Main objective of the project: Innovation
Icep is a partner of the Erasmus+ project “Journey to the world of robotics” 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079146. The project has a duration of 30 months, starting in January 2020 and ending in February 2023.
The goal of the project is to create a tool that will help mobilize seniors to action, to mental and physical activity.
A partnership consists of 9 organizations from 7 countries: the United Kingdom - Enso Group (Leading partner), Italy - Scuola di Robotica, Italy - Promimpresa srl, Estonia - NPO Robootika, Latvia - Clearbot SIA, Poland - Powiat Ostrowski, Poland - Stowarzyszenie Miasta w internecie, Slovakia - ICEP s.r.o. and Portugal - RoboticEduAcademy Lda.
Icep - Institute of European Personnel Certification was chosen to provide the appropriate certification method for course participants.
Target groups of dissemination activities:
- social centres, Senior Care Homes, Retirement homes
- private and public organizations cooperating with seniors, associations, NGO's
- private and public organizations organizing activities for seniors
- entrepreneurs, social partners and other organizations offering qualification raising paths
- representants of local and regional municipalities
- local communities
The expected results during the project:
- raising awareness of robotics among seniors
- raising key competences and improving the skills of seniors
- increased motivation of seniors to social activity and to develop their interests
- better social inclusion of seniors
- better motivation and self-esteem of seniors
- better physical and mental condition of seniors
The expected Intellectual Outputs:
Result O1 National Report on educational offer and good practices in teaching robotics. The development of a National Report on non formal learning of robotics by each partner
country will aim to compare the educational offer and methods of learning robotics among adults.
Result O2 Robotics and modern technologies course through informal blended learning for seniors. The aim of the course will be to familiarize seniors with modern technologies and
robotics, raising their awareness of technical progress and developing key competences related to numerical, scientific and engineering skills and digital and technology-based
competences. The blended learning method used will allow all participants to take part in the online course, regardless of distance.
Result 03 (E 1-8) Promotional Event "Let's meet with robotics”. The purpose of organizing the event will be to increase the interest and awareness of seniors in robots and modern
technologies. The event, organized in each partner country, will contribute to the popularization of robotics among local communities, and above all to the popularization of the course.